import h5py import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from astropy.constants import G import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from read_dataset import read_dataset from read_header import read_header from read_dataset_dm_mass import read_dataset_dm_mass class RotationCurve: def __init__(self, gn, sgn, centre): self.a, self.h, self.boxsize = read_header() self.centre = centre # Load data. self.gas = self.read_galaxy(0, gn, sgn, centre) = self.read_galaxy(1, gn, sgn, centre) self.stars = self.read_galaxy(4, gn, sgn, centre) = self.read_galaxy(5, gn, sgn, centre) # Plot. self.plot() def read_galaxy(self, itype, gn, sgn, centre): """ For a given galaxy (defined by its GroupNumber and SubGroupNumber) extract the coordinates and mass of all particles of a selected type. Coordinates are then wrapped around the centre to account for periodicity. """ data = {} # Load data, then mask to selected GroupNumber and SubGroupNumber. gns = read_dataset(itype, 'GroupNumber') sgns = read_dataset(itype, 'SubGroupNumber') mask = np.logical_and(gns == gn, sgns == sgn) if itype == 1: data['mass'] = read_dataset_dm_mass()[mask] * else: data['mass'] = read_dataset(itype, 'Mass')[mask] * data['coords'] = read_dataset(itype, 'Coordinates')[mask] * # Periodic wrap coordinates around centre. boxsize = self.boxsize/self.h data['coords'] = np.mod(data['coords']-centre+0.5*boxsize,boxsize)+centre-0.5*boxsize return data def compute_rotation_curve(self, arr): """ Compute the rotation curve. """ # Compute distance to centre. r = np.linalg.norm(arr['coords'] - self.centre, axis=1) mask = np.argsort(r) r = r[mask] # Compute cumulative mass. cmass = np.cumsum(arr['mass'][mask]) # Compute velocity. myG =**2 * u.Mpc * u.Msun**-1 * u.s**-2).value v = np.sqrt((myG * cmass) / r) # Return r in Mpc and v in km/s. return r, v def plot(self): plt.figure() # All parttypes together. combined = {} combined['mass'] = np.concatenate((self.gas['mass'],['mass'], self.stars['mass'],['mass'])) combined['coords'] = np.vstack((self.gas['coords'],['coords'], self.stars['coords'],['coords'])) # Loop over each parttype. for x, lab in zip([self.gas,, self.stars, combined], ['Gas', 'Dark Matter', 'Stars', 'All']): r, v = self.compute_rotation_curve(x) plt.plot(r*1000., v, label=lab) # Save plot. plt.legend(loc='center right') plt.minorticks_on() plt.ylabel('Velocity [km/s]'); plt.xlabel('r [kpc]') plt.xlim(1, 50); plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('RotationCurve.png') plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': centre = np.array([12.08808994,4.47437191,1.41333473]) x = RotationCurve(1, 0, centre)